

This object is used to manipulate domain state. A domain corresponds to a distributed Virtual Router and Switch.


  • l2_domain_aggregation_enabled: Indicates if L2 Domain Aggregation is enabled on this Domain.
  • pat_enabled: Indicates whether PAT is enabled for the subnets in this domain - ENABLED/DISABLED Possible values are ENABLED, DISABLED.
  • ecmp_count: Domain specific Equal-cost multi-path routing count, ECMPCount = 1 means no ECMP
  • bgp_enabled: Read only flag to display if BGP is enabled for this domain
  • dhcp_behavior: DHCPBehaviorType is an enum that indicates DHCP Behavior of VRS having VM’s under this domain. Possible values are FLOOD, CONSUME, OVERLAY_RELAY, UNDERLAY_RELAY.
  • dhcp_server_address: when DHCPBehaviorType is RELAY, then DHCP Server IP Address needs to be set
  • fip_ignore_default_route: Determines whether the default Overlay route will be ignored or not when a VM has FIP so that it takes Underlay route.
  • fip_underlay: Boolean flag to indicate whether this is a Floating IP to underlay domain or not
  • dpi: determines whether or not Deep packet inspection is enabled
  • ipv4_ibgp_max_paths (Mandatory): IPv4 IBGP Max Paths. Applicable for third-party Netconf Gateways only
  • ipv6_ibgp_max_paths (Mandatory): IPv6 IBGP Max Paths. Applicable for third-party Netconf Gateways only
  • grt_enabled: Determines if GRT is enabled on this domain.
  • evpnrt5_type: Determines whether EVPN-RT5 are enabled on this domain.
  • vxlanecmp_enabled: Determines whether VXLAN-ECMP are enabled on this domain.
  • label_id: The label associated with the dVRS. This is a read only attribute
  • back_haul_route_distinguisher: Route distinguisher associated with the backhaul service in dVRS. If not provided, system generates this identifier automatically. Supported formats are: [2-byte ASN]:[4-byte value] or [4-byte ASN]:[2-byte value]
  • back_haul_route_target: Route target associated with the backhaul service in dVRS. If not provided, system generates this identifier automatically. Supported formats are: [2-byte ASN]:[4-byte value] or [4-byte ASN]:[2-byte value]
  • back_haul_service_id: The backhaul serviceID of the Virtual Router created in VSC and is associated with this object. This is auto-generated by VSD
  • back_haul_vnid: Current backhaul network’s globally unique VXLAN network identifier
  • maintenance_mode: Enum that indicates if the Domain is accepting VM activation requests. Possible values are DISABLED, ENABLED.
  • name (Mandatory): The name of the domain. Valid characters are alphabets, numbers, space and hyphen( - ).
  • last_updated_by: ID of the user who last updated the object.
  • last_updated_date: Time stamp when this object was last updated.
  • advertise_criteria: Set this attribute to allow the spoke domain routes to be leaked into the hub domain.
  • leaking_enabled: Indicates if this domain is a leakable domain or not - boolean true/false
  • fec_enabled: Indicates if FEC (Forward Error Correction) is enabled on this Domain.
  • secondary_dhcp_server_address: when DHCPBehaviorType is RELAY, then DHCP Server IP Address needs to be set
  • secondary_route_target: Secondary route target associated with the dVRS. It is a parameter that is auto-managed by VSD. System generates this identifier automatically.
  • template_id (Mandatory): The ID of the template that this domain was created from. This should be set when instantiating a domain
  • permitted_action: The permitted action to USE/DEPLOY for the Domain Possible values are USE, READ, ALL, INSTANTIATE, EXTEND, DEPLOY, .
  • service_id: The serviceID of the Virtual Router created in VSC and is associated with this object. This is auto-generated by VSD
  • description: A description string of the domain that is provided by the user
  • aggregate_flows_enabled: Flag to enable aggregate flows on this domain.
  • aggregation_flow_type: Indicates type of Aggregation Flow.
  • dhcp_server_addresses: when DHCPBehaviorType is RELAY, then DHCP Server IP Address needs to be set
  • threat_intelligence_enabled: Determines whether or not threat intelligence is enabled
  • global_routing_enabled: Indicates if this domain is a globally routable domain or not - boolean true/false
  • flow_collection_enabled: Determines whether or not flow collection is enabled.
  • flow_count: Maximum number of data flows allowed for a VPort.
  • flow_limit_enabled: Indicates if flow limit is enabled on this Domain. Possible values are ENABLED or DISABLED.
  • flow_setup_rate: Committed flow setup rate in pps for a VPort. Applicable when flow setup rate limit is ENABLED.
  • flow_setup_rate_limit_enabled: Indicates if flow setup rate limit is enabled on this Domain. Possible values are ENABLED or DISABLED.
  • embedded_metadata: Metadata objects associated with this entity. This will contain a list of Metadata objects if the API request is made using the special flag to enable the embedded Metadata feature. Only a maximum of Metadata objects is returned based on the value set in the system configuration.
  • import_route_target: Route distinguisher associated with the dVRS. It is an optional parameter that can be provided by the user or auto-managed by VSD. System generates this identifier automatically, if not provided
  • encryption: Determines whether IPSEC is enabled Possible values are ENABLED, DISABLED.
  • underlay_enabled: Indicates whether UNDERLAY is enabled for the subnets in this domain
  • enterprise_id: Enterprise ID
  • entity_scope: Specify if scope of entity is Data center or Enterprise level
  • local_as: Local autonomous system for the domain
  • policy_change_status: None
  • color: The color encoded with a traffic engineering constraint such as minimum latency, hops, maximum bandwidth, etc. This is used for NFIX(Network Function Interconnect). Color is applicable only when the selected Tunnel Type is MPLSoUDP. Valid range is 1 - 4294967295. 0 for other Tunnel Types.
  • domain_aggregation_enabled: Indicates if this Domain Aggregation is enabled on this Domain.
  • domain_id: A unique 20-bitID editable however could be auto-generated by VSD.
  • domain_vlanid: None
  • loopback_intf_description: Loopback Interface description.
  • loopback_intf_enabled: Indicates if Loopback interface is enabled or not. Applicable for third-party Netconf Gateways only.
  • loopback_intf_ipv4_address: Loopback interface IPv4 Host Address.
  • loopback_intf_ipv6_address: Loopback interface IPv6 Host Address.
  • loopback_intf_id: Loopback interface ID of domain.
  • route_distinguisher: Route distinguisher associated with the dVRS. If not provided, system generates this identifier automatically. Supported formats are: [2-byte ASN]:[4-byte value] or [4-byte ASN]:[2-byte value]
  • route_target: Route target associated with the dVRS. If not provided, system generates this identifier automatically. Supported formats are: [2-byte ASN]:[4-byte value] or [4-byte ASN]:[2-byte value]
  • uplink_preference: Indicates the preferencial path selection for network traffic in this domain - Default is Primary 1 and Secondary 2. Possible values are PRIMARY_SECONDARY, SECONDARY_PRIMARY, PRIMARY, SECONDARY, SYMMETRIC, .
  • create_back_haul_subnet: Determines if BackHaul Subnet should be created or not.
  • creation_date: Time stamp when this object was created.
  • is_secondary_fip_domain: Flag to indicate whether this is a secondary FIP domain.
  • associated_bgp_profile_id: None
  • associated_idp_profile_id: The associated IDP Profile ID
  • associated_multicast_channel_map_id: The ID of the Multi Cast Channel Map this domain is associated with. This has to be set when enableMultiCast is set to ENABLED
  • associated_pat_mapper_id: The ID of the PatMapper entity to which this l3-domain is associated to.
  • associated_shared_pat_mapper_id: The ID of the PatMapper entity to which this SharedNetworkResource is associated to.
  • associated_underlay_id: The ID of the Underlay entity to which this L3 Domain is associated.
  • stateful_mode: This value indicates whether reflexive ACL is enabled or not for the Domain. It is ‘REFLEXIVE’ if enabled, or ‘STATEFUL’ if reflexive is disabled.
  • stretched: Indicates whether this domain is stretched, if so, remote VM resolutions will be allowed
  • multicast: multicast is enum that indicates multicast policy on domain. Possible values are ENABLED ,DISABLED and INHERITED Possible values are INHERITED, ENABLED, DISABLED, .
  • tunnel_type: Default Domain Tunnel Type
  • customer_id: The customerID that is created in the VSC and identifies this dVRS. This is auto-generated by VSD
  • owner: Identifies the user that has created this object.
  • export_route_target: Route target associated with the dVRS. It is an optional parameterthat can be provided by the user or auto-managed by VSDSystem generates this identifier automatically, if not provided
  • external_id: External object ID. Used for integration with third party systems
  • external_label: External label given to Domain


class fetcher
nugateway.NUGateway gateways
nutca.NUTCA tcas
nuredirectiontarget.NURedirectionTarget redirection_targets
nudeploymentfailure.NUDeploymentFailure deployment_failures
nupermission.NUPermission permissions
numetadata.NUMetadata metadatas
nunetconfgateway.NUNetconfGateway netconf_gateways
nunetworkmacrogroup.NUNetworkMacroGroup network_macro_groups
nunetworkperformancebinding.NUNetworkPerformanceBinding network_performance_bindings
nupgexpression.NUPGExpression pg_expressions
nuaggregateddomain.NUAggregatedDomain aggregated_domains
nuegressaclentrytemplate.NUEgressACLEntryTemplate egress_acl_entry_templates
nuegressacltemplate.NUEgressACLTemplate egress_acl_templates
nuegressadvfwdtemplate.NUEgressAdvFwdTemplate egress_adv_fwd_templates
nuegressauditaclentrytemplate.NUEgressAuditACLEntryTemplate egress_audit_acl_entry_templates
nuegressauditacltemplate.NUEgressAuditACLTemplate egress_audit_acl_templates
nudomainfipacltemplate.NUDomainFIPAclTemplate domain_fip_acl_templates
nudhcpoption.NUDHCPOption dhcp_options
nudhcpv6option.NUDHCPv6Option dhcpv6_options
nulink.NULink links
nufirewallacl.NUFirewallAcl firewall_acls
numirrordestinationgroup.NUMirrorDestinationGroup mirror_destination_groups
nuvirtualfirewallpolicy.NUVirtualFirewallPolicy virtual_firewall_policies
nuvirtualfirewallrule.NUVirtualFirewallRule virtual_firewall_rules
nualarm.NUAlarm alarms
nufloatingip.NUFloatingIp floating_ips
nuglobalmetadata.NUGlobalMetadata global_metadatas
nuvm.NUVM vms
nuvminterface.NUVMInterface vm_interfaces
nuvnfdomainmapping.NUVNFDomainMapping vnf_domain_mappings
nuingressaclentrytemplate.NUIngressACLEntryTemplate ingress_acl_entry_templates
nuingressacltemplate.NUIngressACLTemplate ingress_acl_templates
nuingressadvfwdtemplate.NUIngressAdvFwdTemplate ingress_adv_fwd_templates
nuingressauditaclentrytemplate.NUIngressAuditACLEntryTemplate ingress_audit_acl_entry_templates
nuingressauditacltemplate.NUIngressAuditACLTemplate ingress_audit_acl_templates
nujob.NUJob jobs
nupolicygroup.NUPolicyGroup policy_groups
nudomain.NUDomain domains
nudomaintemplate.NUDomainTemplate domain_templates
nuzone.NUZone zones
nucontainer.NUContainer containers
nucontainerinterface.NUContainerInterface container_interfaces
nuforwardingpathlist.NUForwardingPathList forwarding_path_lists
nuqos.NUQOS qoss
nuhostinterface.NUHostInterface host_interfaces
nuroutingpolicy.NURoutingPolicy routing_policies
nuroutingpolicyassociation.NURoutingPolicyAssociation routing_policy_associations
nuroutingpolicybinding.NURoutingPolicyBinding routing_policy_bindings
nuspatsourcespool.NUSPATSourcesPool spat_sources_pools
nuuplinkrd.NUUplinkRD uplink_rds
nuvpnconnection.NUVPNConnection vpn_connections
nuvport.NUVPort vports
nuapplication.NUApplication applications
nuapplicationperformancemanagementbinding.NUApplicationperformancemanagementbinding applicationperformancemanagementbindings
nubridgeinterface.NUBridgeInterface bridge_interfaces
nugroup.NUGroup groups
nunsgatewaysummary.NUNSGatewaySummary ns_gateway_summaries
nunsgroutingpolicybinding.NUNSGRoutingPolicyBinding nsg_routing_policy_bindings
nuospfinstance.NUOSPFInstance ospf_instances
nustaticroute.NUStaticRoute static_routes
nustatistics.NUStatistics statistics
nustatisticspolicy.NUStatisticsPolicy statistics_policies
nusubnet.NUSubnet subnets
nueventlog.NUEventLog event_logs