



  • acl_template_name: The name of the parent Template for this acl entry
  • icmp_code: The ICMP Code when protocol selected is ICMP
  • icmp_type: The ICMP Type when protocol selected is ICMP
  • ipv6_address_override: Overrides the source IPV6 for Ingress and destination IPV6 for Egress, MAC entries will use this address as the match criteria.
  • dscp: DSCP match condition to be set in the rule. It is either * or from 0-63
  • last_updated_by: ID of the user who last updated the object.
  • action: The action of the ACL entry DROP or FORWARD or REDIRECT.
  • address_override: Overrides the source IP for Ingress and destination IP for Egress, MAC entries will use this address as the match criteria.
  • web_filter_id: ID of web filter
  • web_filter_type: Indicates type of web filter being set
  • description: Description of the ACL entry
  • destination_port: The destination port to be matched if protocol is UDP or TCP. Value should be either * or single port number or a port range
  • network_id: The destination network entity that is referenced(subnet/zone/macro)
  • network_type: Type of the source network - VM_SUBNET or VM_ZONE or VM_DOMAIN or SUBNET or ZONE or ENTERPRISE_NETWORK or PUBLIC_NETWORK or ANY
  • mirror_destination_id: This is the ID of the mirrorDestrination entity associated with this entity
  • flow_logging_enabled: Is flow logging enabled for this particular template
  • enterprise_name: The name of the enterprise for the domains parent
  • entity_scope: Specify if scope of entity is Data center or Enterprise level
  • location_id: The ID of the location entity (Subnet/Zone/VportTag)
  • location_type: Type of the location entity - ANY or SUBNET or ZONE or VPORTTAG
  • domain_name: The name of the domain/domain template for the aclTemplateNames parent
  • source_port: Source port to be matched if protocol is UDP or TCP. Value can be either * or single port number or a port range
  • priority: The priority of the ACL entry that determines the order of entries
  • protocol: Protocol number that must be matched
  • associated_live_template_id: In the draft mode, the ACL entity refers to this live entity parent. In non-drafted mode, this is null
  • associated_traffic_type: The associated Traffic type. L4 Service / L4 Service Group
  • associated_traffic_type_id: The associated Traffic Type ID
  • associatedfirewall_aclid: Associated Firewall Acl ID
  • stateful: true means that this ACL entry is stateful, so there will be a corresponding rule that will be created by OVS in the network. false means that there is no correspondingrule created by OVS in the network
  • stats_id: The statsID that is created in the VSD and identifies this ACL Template Entry.. This is auto-generated by VSD
  • stats_logging_enabled: Is stats logging enabled for this particular template
  • ether_type: Ether type of the packet to be matched. etherType can be * or a valid hexadecimal value
  • external_id: External object ID. Used for integration with third party systems


class fetcher
numetadata.NUMetadata metadatas
nuglobalmetadata.NUGlobalMetadata global_metadatas