

VPorts are a new level in the domain hierarchy, intended to provide more granular configuration than at subnet, and also support a split workflow, where the vPort is configured and associated with a VM port (or gateway port) before the port exists.


  • fip_ignore_default_route: Determines whether the default Overlay route will be ignored or not when a VM has FIP so that it takes Underlay route.
  • vlan: VLAN number of the associated VLAN of this vport - applicable for type host or bridge
  • vlanid: UUID of the associated VLAN of this vport - applicable for type host or bridge
  • dpi: determines whether or not deep packet inspection is enabled
  • backhaul_subnet_vnid: Backhaul subnet VNID of the L3Domain associated with the VPort. This is exposed for Netconf manager
  • name (Mandatory): Name of the vport. Valid characters are alphabets, numbers, space and hyphen( - ).
  • has_attached_interfaces: Indicates that this vport has attached interfaces
  • last_updated_by: ID of the user who last updated the object.
  • gateway_mac_move_role: Role of the gateway vport when handling MAC move errors
  • gateway_port_name: Gateway portname eg: eth1 - applicable for type host/bridge
  • access_restriction_enabled: Enable Access Restriction
  • active: Indicates if this vport is up or down
  • address_spoofing (Mandatory): Indicates if address spoofing is ENABLED/DISABLED/INHERITED for this vport.
  • peer_operational_state: Operational state of the peer vport in multichassis lag scenario
  • segmentation_id: The VLAN Number (1-4095), valid only if the trunkRole is SUB_PORT
  • segmentation_type: The type of segmentation that is used. This must be VLAN for vports with trunkRole set to SUB_PORT. This can not be specified for a parent vport (trunkRole = PARENT_PORT)
  • service_id: The service ID used by the VSCs to identify the subnet associated with this vport
  • description: Description for this vport
  • entity_scope: Specify if scope of entity is Data center or Enterprise level
  • domain_id: ID the Domain associated with the VPort
  • domain_name: Name of the Domain associated with the VPort. This is exposed for Netconf manager
  • domain_service_label: Service ID of Domain.
  • domain_vlanid: Backhaul vlan id the L3Domain associated with the VPort. This is exposed for Netconf manager
  • zone_id: ID the Zone associated with the VPort
  • operational_state: Operational State of the VPort. Possible values are INIT, UP, DOWN.
  • trunk_role: Indicates the role of the vport in trunking operations
  • assoc_entity_id: UUID of the entity to which the vport is associated to. This could be UUID of a SUBNET or a L2DOMAIN
  • associated_egress_profile_id: UUID of the Egress Profile associated with this Vport entity.
  • associated_floating_ip_id: Id of Floating IP address associated to this vport
  • associated_gateway_id: Associated gateway ID of VPort
  • associated_gateway_personality: Personality of the associated Gateway
  • associated_gateway_type: Associated gateway type of VPort.
  • associated_ingress_profile_id: UUID of the Ingress Profile associated with this Vport entity.
  • associated_multicast_channel_map_id: The ID of the receive Multicast Channel Map this Vport is associated with. This has to be set when enableMultiCast is set to ENABLED
  • associated_ssid: The UUID of the SSID Connection tied to this instance of a vPort.
  • associated_send_multicast_channel_map_id: The ID of the send Multicast Channel Map this Vport is associated with. This has to be set when enableMultiCast is set to ENABLED
  • associated_trunk_id: The trunk uuid associated with another vport of trunkRole PARENT_PORT. Can be specified only if trunkRole of this vport is SUB_PORT.
  • sub_type: Sub type of vport - possible values are NONE/VNF
  • subnet_vnid: VNID of the associated subnet or L2domain with the VPort. This is exposed for Netconf manager
  • multi_nic_vport_id: ID of the Multi NIC VPort associated with the VPort
  • multicast: Indicates multicast policy on Vport.
  • gw_eligible: Indicates that this vport is eligible to be given in gateway vport config request. It becomes eligible when it has properly attached host or bridge interfaces.
  • external_id: External object ID. Used for integration with third party systems
  • type (Mandatory): Type of vport. Possible values are VM, HOST, BRIDGE, CONTAINER.
  • system_type: Indicates what system it is.