

Users represent people of your organization. A user can be placed into a group and this group can have some permissions to add VMs into a domain for instance.


  • ldap_domain: The Domain name of the LDAP instance from which the user was synchronized.
  • ldap_enabled: True if the user is synchronized from an LDAP instance which is currently enabled. False otherwise.
  • ldap_id: The ID of the LDAP instance from which the user was synchronized.
  • ldapuser_dn: The LDAP distinguished name (DN) for the user.
  • management_mode: Management mode of the user object - allows for override of external authorization and syncup
  • password (Mandatory): User password in clear text. Password cannot be a single character asterisk (*)
  • last_name (Mandatory): Last name of the user
  • last_updated_by: ID of the user who last updated the object.
  • last_updated_date: Time stamp when this object was last updated.
  • first_name (Mandatory): First name of the user
  • disable_certificate_auth: Whether Certificate-Based Authentication is disabled. Default is false.
  • disable_password_auth: Whether Username-Password Authentication is disabled. Default is false.
  • disabled: Status of the user account; true=disabled, false=not disabled; default value = false
  • email (Mandatory): Email address of the user
  • embedded_metadata: Metadata objects associated with this entity. This will contain a list of Metadata objects if the API request is made using the special flag to enable the embedded Metadata feature. Only a maximum of Metadata objects is returned based on the value set in the system configuration.
  • entity_scope: Specify if scope of entity is Data center or Enterprise level
  • mobile_number: Mobile Number of the user
  • creation_date: Time stamp when this object was created.
  • user_name (Mandatory): Unique Username of the user. Valid characters are alphabets, numbers and hyphen( - ).
  • avatar_data: URL to the avatar data associated with the enterprise. If the avatarType is URL then value of avatarData should an URL of the image. If the avatarType BASE64 then avatarData should be BASE64 encoded value of the image
  • avatar_type: Avatar type.
  • owner: Identifies the user that has created this object.
  • external_id: External object ID. Used for integration with third party systems


class fetcher
nupermission.NUPermission permissions
numetadata.NUMetadata metadatas
nuglobalmetadata.NUGlobalMetadata global_metadatas
nuvm.NUVM vms
nucontainer.NUContainer containers
nugroup.NUGroup groups
nuavatar.NUAvatar avatars
nueventlog.NUEventLog event_logs