The alarm API allows the management of system alarms.
: Identifies affected Entity. Example: Alarm generated by TCA for Domain domain1(Packets towards a VM, Breach)last_updated_by
: ID of the user who last updated the object.last_updated_date
: Time stamp when this object was last updated.acknowledged
: Flag to indicate if the alarm has been acknowledged already.remedy
: Remedial Actions for the alarm.description
: Description of the alarmseverity
: Severity of the alarm.timestamp
: Indicates the time at which the alarm was triggeredtitle
(Mandatory): The alarm title. Each type of alarm will generate its own titlealarmed_object_id
: Alarmed Object IDembedded_metadata
: Metadata objects associated with this entity. This will contain a list of Metadata objects if the API request is made using the special flag to enable the embedded Metadata feature. Only a maximum of Metadata objects is returned based on the value set in the system configuration.enterprise_id
: Enterprise that this alarm belongs toentity_scope
: Specify if scope of entity is Data center or Enterprise levelcreation_date
: Time stamp when this object was created.error_condition
: Identifies the error conditionnumber_of_occurances
: Number of times that the alarm was triggeredowner
: Identifies the user that has created this object.external_id
: External object ID. Used for integration with third party systemssystem_id
: System ID of the Gateway
class | fetcher |
nupermission.NUPermission | permissions |
numetadata.NUMetadata | metadatas |
nuglobalmetadata.NUGlobalMetadata | global_metadatas |
- nuport.NUPort
- nuazurecloud.NUAzureCloud
- nuenterprise.NUEnterprise
- nuredundancygroup.NURedundancyGroup
- nunsredundantgatewaygroup.NUNSRedundantGatewayGroup
- nuvsgredundantport.NUVsgRedundantPort
- nuikegatewayconnection.NUIKEGatewayConnection
- nugatewayredundantport.NUGatewayRedundantPort
- nunetconfsession.NUNetconfSession
- nussidconnection.NUSSIDConnection
- nuvport.NUVPort
- nuvrs.NUVRS
- nuhsc.NUHSC
- nuvlan.NUVLAN
- nunetconfgateway.NUNetconfGateway
- nuethernetsegmentgroup.NUEthernetSegmentGroup
- nudomain.NUDomain
- nugateway.NUGateway
- nuwanservice.NUWANService
- nushuntlink.NUShuntLink
- nul2domain.NUL2Domain
- nunsgateway.NUNSGateway
- nuvsc.NUVSC
- nuvm.NUVM
- nuvsd.NUVSD
- nunetconfmanager.NUNetconfManager
- nuaggregateddomain.NUAggregatedDomain
- nucontainer.NUContainer
- nutca.NUTCA
- nuethernetsegmentgwgroup.NUEthernetSegmentGWGroup
- nuwirelessport.NUWirelessPort
- nugnmisession.NUGNMISession
- nunsport.NUNSPort