

Group of Gateways with common Ethernet Segment IDs (upto 4 Gateways).


  • name (Mandatory): Name of the Ethernet Segment Gateway Group.
  • personality: Personality of the Ethernet Segment Gateway Group.
  • description: Description of the Ethernet Segment Gateway Group.
  • assoc_gateways_names: Array of the names of the Gateways (2, 3, or 4), that constitutes the Gateway Group. For eg: [“<gw1_name>”, “<gw2_name>”, “<gw3_name>”, “<gw4_name>”].
  • assoc_gateways_status: Array of the connection status of the Gateways (2, 3, or 4), that constitutes the Gateway Group. For eg: [“<gw1_status>”, “<gw2_status>”, “<gw3_status>”, “<gw4_status>”].
  • associated_gateway_ids (Mandatory): Array of the UUIDs of the Gateways (2, 3, or 4), that constitutes the Gateway Group. For eg: [“<gw1_uuid>”, “<gw2_uuid>”, “<gw3_uuid>”, “<gw4_uuid>”].