Group of Gateways with common Ethernet Segment IDs (upto 4 Gateways).
(Mandatory): Name of the Ethernet Segment Gateway Group.personality
: Personality of the Ethernet Segment Gateway Group.description
: Description of the Ethernet Segment Gateway Group.assoc_gateways_names
: Array of the names of the Gateways (2, 3, or 4), that constitutes the Gateway Group. For eg: [“<gw1_name>”, “<gw2_name>”, “<gw3_name>”, “<gw4_name>”].assoc_gateways_status
: Array of the connection status of the Gateways (2, 3, or 4), that constitutes the Gateway Group. For eg: [“<gw1_status>”, “<gw2_status>”, “<gw3_status>”, “<gw4_status>”].associated_gateway_ids
(Mandatory): Array of the UUIDs of the Gateways (2, 3, or 4), that constitutes the Gateway Group. For eg: [“<gw1_uuid>”, “<gw2_uuid>”, “<gw3_uuid>”, “<gw4_uuid>”].
class | fetcher |
nul2domain.NUL2Domain | l2_domains |
numacfilterprofile.NUMACFilterProfile | mac_filter_profiles |
nusapegressqosprofile.NUSAPEgressQoSProfile | sap_egress_qo_s_profiles |
nusapingressqosprofile.NUSAPIngressQoSProfile | sap_ingress_qo_s_profiles |
nudeploymentfailure.NUDeploymentFailure | deployment_failures |
nupermission.NUPermission | permissions |
nuegressprofile.NUEgressProfile | egress_profiles |
nualarm.NUAlarm | alarms |
nuingressprofile.NUIngressProfile | ingress_profiles |
nuenterprisepermission.NUEnterprisePermission | enterprise_permissions |
nujob.NUJob | jobs |
nudomain.NUDomain | domains |
nuipfilterprofile.NUIPFilterProfile | ip_filter_profiles |
nuipv6filterprofile.NUIPv6FilterProfile | ipv6_filter_profiles |
nuethernetsegmentgroup.NUEthernetSegmentGroup | ethernet_segment_groups |