

Enables retrieval/modification and creation of license files. Most of the attributes are retrieved from the encrypted license. The create API simply provides the encrypted license that is in base64 format.


  • major_release: Major software release associated with this license
  • last_updated_by: ID of the user who last updated the object.
  • additional_supported_versions: Indicates additional versions supported by the license.
  • request_id: Unique number generated by the License Management system used to identify each license.
  • phone: Phone number of the owner associated with the license file
  • license (Mandatory): Base 64 value of the license
  • license_encryption: License encryption
  • license_entities: Indicates non enforceable entities associated with the license.
  • license_id: Unique identifier of the license file
  • license_type: None
  • licensed_feature: Indicates the feature supported by the license. Possible value is “vss”.
  • minor_release: Minor software release for which this license has been issued
  • zip: Zipcode of the owner associated with the license file
  • city: City of the owner associated with the license file
  • allowed_avrsgs_count: Maximum number of AVRSGs enabled with this license. A value of -1 indicates an unlimited number of AVRSGs
  • allowed_avrss_count: Maximum number of AVRSs enabled with this license. A value of -1 indicates an unlimited number of AVRSs
  • allowed_cpes_count: Maximum number of NSGs enabled with this license. A value of -1 indicates an unlimited number of NSGs
  • allowed_nics_count: Maximum number of NICs allowed. A value of -1 indicates unlimited number of NICs
  • allowed_vdfgs_count: Maximum number of VDFGs enabled with this license. A value of -1 indicates an unlimited number of VDFGs.
  • allowed_vdfs_count: Maximum number of VDFs enabled with this license. A value of -1 indicates an unlimited number of VDFs
  • allowed_vms_count: Maximum number of VMs enabled with this license. A value of -1 indicates an unlimited number of VMs
  • allowed_vrsgs_count: Maximum number of VRSGs enabled with this license. A value of -1 indicates an unlimited number of VRSGs
  • allowed_vrss_count: Maximum number of VRSs enabled with this license. A value of -1 indicates an unlimited number of VRSs
  • email: Email of the owner associated with the license file
  • encryption_mode: Indicates if the system is associated with a license that allows encryption or not
  • unique_license_identifier: Indicates combined string of first 16 and last 16 characters of the license string to be shown in the API
  • entity_scope: Specify if scope of entity is Data center or Enterprise level
  • company: Company of the owner associated with the license file
  • country: Country of the owner associated with the license file
  • product_version: Version of the product that this license applies to
  • provider: Provider of the license file
  • is_cluster_license: Indicates if the license is associated with standlone or cluster setup of VSD
  • user_name: The name of the user associated with the license
  • state: State of the owner associated with the license file
  • street: Address of the owner associated with the license file
  • customer_key: Customer key associated with the licese
  • expiration_date: Expiration date of this license
  • expiry_timestamp: The Timestamp value of the expiration date of this license
  • external_id: External object ID. Used for integration with third party systems
  • system: System name information provided by the License Management System.


class fetcher
numetadata.NUMetadata metadatas
nuglobalmetadata.NUGlobalMetadata global_metadatas
nueventlog.NUEventLog event_logs
