

This Entity defines Global Configurations such as Prefix-list, Mac-list etc., to be configured on a Third-party Gateway (Netconf - VTEP).


  • name (Mandatory): The unique name of the Global Configuration.
  • last_updated_by: ID of the user who last updated the object.
  • last_updated_date: Time stamp when this object was last updated.
  • description: A description of the GlobalConfiguration.
  • netconf_gateway_ids: List of third-party Netconf Gateways on which Global Configuration will be deployed.
  • embedded_metadata: Metadata objects associated with this entity. This will contain a list of Metadata objects if the API request is made using the special flag to enable the embedded Metadata feature. Only a maximum of Metadata objects is returned based on the value set in the system configuration.
  • entity_scope: Specify if scope of entity is Data center or Enterprise level
  • config_definition (Mandatory): Global configurations like prefix lists, community, mac-list etc.. to be configured on a Netconf Gateway.
  • creation_date: Time stamp when this object was created.
  • owner: Identifies the user that has created this object.
  • external_id: External object ID. Used for integration with third party systems


class fetcher
nudeploymentfailure.NUDeploymentFailure deployment_failures
nupermission.NUPermission permissions
numetadata.NUMetadata metadatas
nuglobalmetadata.NUGlobalMetadata global_metadatas
