

Network Services Gateways are a policy enforcement end-points responsible for the delivery of networking services. NSG access ports/VLANs may be attached to existing host or bridge vPorts.


  • mac_address: MAC Address of the NSG
  • aar_application_release_date: Release Date of the AAR Application
  • aar_application_version: The AAR Application Version
  • nat_traversal_enabled: This attribute is deprecated in version 4.0.
  • tcpmss_enabled: Boolean flag to indicate whether MSS on TCP is enabled or not
  • tcp_maximum_segment_size: Maximum TCP segment size (min = 576, max = 7812); value 0 indicates the use of dynamically computed MSS.
  • zfb_match_attribute: The Zero Factor Bootstrapping (ZFB) Attribute that should be used to match the gateway on when it tries to bootstrap.
  • zfb_match_value: The Zero Factor Bootstrapping (ZFB) value that needs to match with the gateway during the bootstrap attempt. This value needs to match with the ZFB Match Attribute.
  • sgt_propagation_enabled: Indicates if Security Group Tag Propagation is enabled on Network Accelerated NSG and Network Accelerated UBR with HUB or HUB and DUC function(s).
  • bios_release_date: Release Date of the NSG BiOS
  • bios_version: NSG BIOS Version
  • sku: The part number of the NSG
  • tpm_status: TPM Status of the NSG based on the information received by the device during bootstrapping or upgrade.
  • tpm_version: TPM (Trusted Platform Module) version as reported by the NSG.
  • cpu_core_allocation: Current CPU allocation for network accelerated gateways. Displays total number of cores and those isolated.
  • cpu_type: The NSG Processor Type as reported during bootstrapping.
  • vsdaar_application_version: Version of the latest imported Application Signatures.
  • nsg_version: The NSG Version (software) as reported during bootstrapping or following an upgrade.
  • ssh_service: Indicates if SSH Service is enabled/disabled on a NSG. The value configured for this attribute is used only when instanceSSHOverride is allowed on the associated Gateway Template.
  • uuid: The Redhat UUID of the NSG
  • saa_s_optimisation: Boolean flag to indicate whether SaaS Optimisation is enabled or not.
  • name (Mandatory): Name of the Gateway
  • family: The NSG Family type.
  • last_configuration_reload_timestamp: Time stamp of the last known configuration update of the NSG. This timestamp gets updated when a bootstrap is successful or when a configuration reload request triggered by VSD is successful.
  • last_updated_by: ID of the user who last updated the object.
  • last_updated_date: Time stamp when this object was last updated.
  • datapath_id: Identifier of the Gateway, based on the systemId
  • gateway_config_raw_version: Release version of NSG, which is used to determine the feature capabilties of NSG.
  • gateway_config_version: Interpreted version of NSG, which is used to determine the feature capabilities of NSG.
  • gateway_connected: Indicates status of this gateway
  • path_mtu_discovery: Boolean flag to indicate whether Path MTU Discovery is enabled or not.
  • redundancy_group_id: The Redundancy Gateway Group associated with this Gateway Instance. This is a read only attribute
  • template_id (Mandatory): The ID of the template that this Gateway was created from. This should be set when instantiating a Gateway
  • pending: Indicates that this gateway is pending state or state. When in pending state it cannot be modified from REST.
  • serial_number: The NSG’s serial number
  • derived_ssh_service_state: Indicates the SSH Service state on a NSG. This value is derived based on the SSHService configuration on the NSG and the associated Gateway Template.
  • permitted_action: The permitted action to USE/EXTEND this Gateway.
  • personality: Personality of the Gateway - NSG, cannot be changed after creation.
  • cert_validity_days: The number of days for which the NSG’s certificate is valid.
  • description: A description of the Gateway
  • network_acceleration: Attribute that enables or disables Network Acceleration (DPDK) on the NSGateway instance. Changing the value of this field will cause the device to restart at the next configuration reload.
  • threat_prevention_enabled: Indicates if Threat Prevention capability enabled on NSG.
  • libraries: Transient representation of the same property on NSGInfo.
  • embedded_metadata: Metadata objects associated with this entity. This will contain a list of Metadata objects if the API request is made using the special flag to enable the embedded Metadata feature. Only a maximum of Metadata objects is returned based on the value set in the system configuration.
  • inherited_ssh_service_state: Indicates the SSH Service state which is configured on the associated template instance.
  • enterprise_id: The enterprise associated with this Gateway. This is a read only attribute
  • entity_scope: Specify if scope of entity is Data center or Enterprise level
  • location_id: The NSGateway’s Location. NOTE: this is a read only property, it can only be set through the location object
  • configuration_reload_state: Status resulting from a manually triggered configuration reload operation on an NSG. This value only reflects the state for a manual action requested by the operator, not the automatic periodic configuration reload triggered by the NSG itself.
  • configuration_status: NSG Configuration status represents the NSG update state following a query by the NSG to get the latest version of the infraconfig.json file. This status will be updated following a Bootstrap request or a Configuration Reload. Success means that the NSG was able to apply the changes included in the latest infraconfig.json file. A Failure response will be returned if the NSG was unable to apply the changes; this is normally accompanied with a rollback of the NSG to the previous configuration.
  • configure_load_balancing: Describes whether the load balancing behavior used for Fc’s in inherited from enterprise or disabled.
  • control_traffic_cos_value: CoS Value for Self Generated Traffic (Control Traffic). Min is 0 and Max is 7
  • control_traffic_dscp_value: DSCP Value for Self Generated Traffic (Control Traffic). Min is 0 and Max is 63
  • bootstrap_id: The bootstrap details associated with this NSGateway. NOTE: This is a read only property, it can only be set during creation of an NSG.
  • bootstrap_status: The bootstrap status of this NSGateway. NOTE: This is a read only property.
  • operation_mode: Operation mode of NSGateway
  • operation_status: Operation Status of NSGateway
  • creation_date: Time stamp when this object was created.
  • product_name: NSG Product Name as reported during bootstrapping.
  • associated_gateway_security_id: Read only ID of the associated gateway security object.
  • associated_gateway_security_profile_id: Read only ID of the associated gateway security profile object
  • associated_nsg_info_id: Read only ID of the associated NSG info object
  • associated_nsg_migration_profile_id: The ID of the migration profile associated to this NSG.
  • associated_nsg_upgrade_profile_id: The UUID of the NSG Upgrade Profile associated to this NSG instance.
  • associated_overlay_management_profile_id: The ID of the associated Overlay Management Profile
  • stats_profile_id: Statistics Profile to which this NSGateway is associated to.
  • huge_page_setting: The size and number of huge pages for an NSG that is running in network accelerated mode. Hugepage values states the portion of memory reserved for network accelerated services.
  • functions: List of supported functions. This is only relevant for NSG-UBR and will be set to UBR by default in case an NSG-UBR is created. For a regular NSG, this will be set to null.
  • tunnel_shaping: Indicates if the UBR will perform tunnel shaping to the NSG when a tunnel shaper is associated to the NSG.
  • auto_disc_gateway_id: The Auto Discovered Gateway associated with this Gateway Instance
  • owner: Identifies the user that has created this object.
  • external_id: External object ID. Used for integration with third party systems
  • syslog_level: The minimal logging level of the messages the NSG will be reporting to the external syslog server that has been configured on the Infrastructure Gateway Profile.
  • system_id: Identifier of the Gateway, cannot be modified after creation