This object has no children.
This object has no members.
ALU br0 Status Redeployment Enabled
SDK attribute: ALUbr0StatusRedeploymentEnabled
CPU Utilization Redeployment Enabled
SDK attribute: CPUUtilizationRedeploymentEnabled
CPU Utilization Threshold
SDK attribute: CPUUtilizationThreshold
deployment count threshold
SDK attribute: deploymentCountThreshold
Specify if scope of entity is Data center or Enterprise level
Allowed values: ENTERPRISE, GLOBAL
SDK attribute: entityScope
External object ID. Used for integration with third party systems
Format: free
SDK attribute: externalID
jesxmon Process Redeployment Enabled
SDK attribute: jesxmonProcessRedeploymentEnabled
ID of the user who last updated the object.
Format: free
SDK attribute: lastUpdatedBy
Log disk Utilization Redeployment Enabled
SDK attribute: logDiskUtilizationRedeploymentEnabled
Log disk Utilization Threshold
SDK attribute: logDiskUtilizationThreshold
memory Utilization Redeployment Enabled
SDK attribute: memoryUtilizationRedeploymentEnabled
memory Utilization Threshold
SDK attribute: memoryUtilizationThreshold
redeployment Delay
SDK attribute: redeploymentDelay
Root disk Utilization Redeployment Enabled
SDK attribute: rootDiskUtilizationRedeploymentEnabled
Root disk Utilization Threshold
SDK attribute: rootDiskUtilizationThreshold
VRS Corrective Action Delay in seconds
SDK attribute: VRSCorrectiveActionDelay
VRS Process Redeployment Enabled
SDK attribute: VRSProcessRedeploymentEnabled
VRSVSC Status Redeployment Enabled
SDK attribute: VRSVSCStatusRedeploymentEnabled