description |
destinationType |
endPointType |
entityScope |
externalID |
lastUpdatedBy |
name |
redundancyEnabled |
triggerType |
This object has no members.
Description of this overlay mirror destination template
Format: free
SDK attribute: description
Determines the type of destination : redirection target or overlay mirror destination
SDK attribute: destinationType
VPortTagEndPointType is an enum. It defines the type of header rewrite and forwarding performed by VRS when the endpoint is used as a overlay mirror destination. Possible value is VIRTUAL_WIRE.
Allowed values: NONE, VIRTUAL_WIRE
SDK attribute: endPointType
Specify if scope of entity is Data center or Enterprise level
Allowed values: ENTERPRISE, GLOBAL
SDK attribute: entityScope
External object ID. Used for integration with third party systems
Format: free
SDK attribute: externalID
ID of the user who last updated the object.
Format: free
SDK attribute: lastUpdatedBy
Name of this overlay mirror destination template
SDK attribute: name
Allow/Disallow redundant appliances and VIP
SDK attribute: redundancyEnabled
Trigger type, could be NONE/GARP - THIS IS READONLY
Allowed values: GARP, NONE
SDK attribute: triggerType